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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is the nuclear energy the answer?

Depending what you useit for, nuclear energy can be good (or bad). If you use it for peaceful purposes, then I am all for it. If it is making weapons, missiles and other things, then this is the wrong use for it.

My only concern is with nuclear energy itself and all the hazards associated, environmental and health, and the cost involved. Today with the climate change, nuclear energy is not the answer. Renewable sources of energy, changing lifestyle and sustainable development is part of the answer as well the energy efficiency and energy conservation

Nuclear energy is not a clean source. That is a terrible fallacy. Why? The use of nuclear energy is what do we do to dispose of radioactive waste, which lasts for thousands and thousands of years. Plutonium has a half-life of 24,000 years! What is that? 240 centuries, 24 millennia. If prehistoric man started out with nuclear energy, today we would still be managing his waste. Here we are talking about radioactive waste forever

My greatest concern is the disposable of radioactive waste. Secondly, there are so many fallacies about the cost of nuclear energy. Nobody can say it cheap.

To have an energy mix between all sort of energy is must as depletion of fossil fuel, we will not have the energy we need. Of course we can reduce the pressure of the demand for energy through prudent use and becoming more efficient.

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